
Advanced MySQL: MySQL Data Analysis & Business Intelligence

Issuing Organization: Udemy Inc.

Validity: April 2021 - Present

I got to learn how to employ MySQL to solve advanced business problems like traffic sources, website performances, channel portfolio management, seasonality, product and user analysis

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AWS Certified Developer Associate

Issuing Organization: Amazon Web Services

Validity: November 2020 - November 2023

I got to learn the basics of AWS and how to deploy CI/CD pipelines as well as serverless development on AWS, using tools like Lambda, API Gateway.

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Data Structures and Algorithms using Python by IIT Madras

Issuing Organization: NPTEL

Validity: March 2017 - Present

I learnt data structures in Python like lists, tuples, dictionaries, default dictionaries as well learnt how to write OOPs based code in Python.

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Deep Learning Specialization by deeplearning.ai

Issuing Organization: Coursera

Validity: March 2018 - Present

I completed 5 courses included in this specialization pertaining to Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks and Sequence Models. Furthermore I also worked on several mini projects such as music generation and object detection.

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Machine Learning by Stanford University

Issuing Organization: Coursera

Validity: June 2017 - Present

This was the first course I took to learn concepts of Machine Learning. I learnt various concepts like Loss algorithm, Linear and Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Random Forests. Furthermore, I also learnt the theory of Neural Networks

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Natural Language Processing by IIT Kharagpur

Issuing Organization: NPTEL

Validity: April 2017 - Present

I was introduced to NLP with this course. I learnt how to represent english words in computer memory as well as establish relationships between the vectors using algorithms like Word2Vec.

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Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1-Functional)

Issuing Organization: Udemy

Validity: April 2020 - Present

I learnt advanced usage of various Python data types as well as callables such as functions, lambdas and closures. Furthermore, I also learnt the use of decorators for memoization and single dispatch generic functions.

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Spark and Python for Big Data with PySpark

Issuing Organization: Udemy

Validity: September 2019 - Present

I learnt how to use PySpark client api to leverage the power of Apache Spark and solve big data problems. I learnt how to use Spark 2.0 DataFrame API as well as use the Spark Mllib library to train machine learning models.

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Statistical Learning

Issuing Organization: Stanford University

Validity: June 2018 - Present

This was an introductory level course in supervised machine learning where I learnt polynomial regression, linear discriminant analysis, model selection and regularization methods (ridge and lasso). Furthermore, I also learnt random forests and boosting methods.

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Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python - Hands On!

Issuing Organization: Udemy

Validity: August 2019 - Present

This course taught me the mechanism behind Big Data. I learnt what is Hadoop and YARN, in addition to Apache Spark

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